Friday, 28 November 2014

It's been sooo long!

Hallo Moto!
I know, I know... I'm a bad person! I have not blogged for nearly a WHOLE week! How catastrophic! So the reason why I have been living in the shadows is because I have been awfully busy... Now you're probably thinking "she's always saying how busy she is". Well actually coursework has been taking over me life, man! All you students out there, yeah you know how I feel.
Anyways, I'm going to give you a little update! So on Wednesday Byron, Charlie and I went to watch the boys (Hinchingbrooke 6th Formers) play Rugby against Spalding Grammar School. So, I was told that they were playing against "Evian"... So being me I believed it and wanted to ask them if they had brought Evian water with them- thank god I never got the opportunity to ask! Now, our boys played amazingly but unfortunately they lost... However I'm sure they will thrash them next time! ;) Oh and I've been asked to do a shout out to number 10, Fly-half! Oh and I must say the boys looked rather dashing running around in the mud in their shorts.
So today, Byron came into school late and explained that he thought it was Saturday so he went into work with his dad. However, when Byron and his dad turned up at their customers house they realised that actually it was Friday- what a conundrum! Henny-hoo, Byron also told me that he had a rather interesting dream... AND he has allowed me to share it with you!!
I quote:

"My dream began with me going to Film Studies and Bea wasn't in the classroom. Then Mr Lloyd (our teacher) started singing the lesson- yes instead of talking he was singing. Then Bea storms in with loads of work in her arm and then walks back out, drops the work on the floor and enters back into the classroom with a pram. In the pram was a half Caribbean raced baby with the same hair as my friend Josh. Bea then says "Here Byron have Bosh, I cannot have him today, I'm too stressed! Now you gays have the right to have babies you can have the responsibility!" So I'm then bouncing this baby on my knee and Harriet then takes the baby to play with it. Then suddenly out of the baby's mouth comes "I want B" in Josh's voice- I then fainted."
To hear the rest of the dream feel free to ask Byron, as the content could be too explicit for some readers.
Now, it's that time of the week for... SHAN'S FASHION FRIDAY!! Okay so today, once again Shan looked on point as she wore a petrol blue lace dress. Feel free to observe the picture provided.
Apologies once again for this very late post! Stay happy and eat cupcakes!
The BeasKnees 

Saturday, 22 November 2014

There must be something in the air!

Aloha awakea!
Sorry about not posting last night, I was super tired! So yesterday was one crazy day... Now I've already given you a long-winded post so I'll try and keep this one short and snappy.
Okay first things first, during my free period Byron and I were in a rather strange mood... Most people thought we were drunk but it was more like we were both past the point of caring and being shattered. So during this period of Byron and I's break down... we laid on the sofa's in the Common Room singing and laughing hysterically. Then before we knew it other buddies of ours joined us and made comments like "What have you guys taken? Are you drunk? Bea you need help!" As you know, the giggles are contagious so everyone else around us began laughing- boy did that slow motion video of Byron, Abbie and I make me laugh... tears were pouring out of my eyes!
After that I had Film Studies; randomly I found a pair of nude colour tights in my bag and Harriet decided to tie them round her head and take selfies with Byron and our teacher (Mr Lloyd)... I think there was something in the air that day because everyone was acting nuts!
Anyways, that's pretty much all I'm going to say for now because I have to get on with my coursework! Oh but before I go, I just want to say that I hope my mumma has a great day bridal shopping with her gals and I'm sorry that I couldn't make it! Also do you like my Hawaiian greetings? Pretty snazzy ay!? ;)
A hui hou (Goodbye, until we meet again)!
The BeasKnees

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Bea-ing embarrassed!

'Ello, 'ello 'ello!
So today has been a rather embarrassing day, if I do say so myself. Now the fact that I've done something embarrassing is no surprise, however because the majority of the bashful events seemed to occur consecutively within the space of an hour, it did seem rather odd.
Now I have no idea why this happened today... maybe it was because I didn't have any breakfast or maybe it was because I needed to wee at least 10 times within the space of 5 hours, OR maybe it was because I decided to wear thin skin coloured tights when clearly it is the time of year for only black or opaque tights. WHO KNOWS?
 Anyways, I should probably embarrass myself even further and just confess what actually happened... I mean what else can I loose at this point?
Okay so it all started when Byron, Jarvie (yeah spelling isn't my forte) and I were walking to our lesson... Now Jarvie was saying something about Byron's leather jacket and for some reason or another I always blank out when that guy opens his mouth. So anyway, for a brief moment I actually listened to what he was saying... he said something along the lines of  "I only wear leather that looks like leather" but for that split second I was actually going to react to his bold statement with a simple "Oh". However, my sanity soon fell short when a rather good looking lad walking in the other direction caught my attention... So not only did this "Oh" turn into a different reaction (that was no longer to Jarvie's statement) but it seemed to come out of my mouth in a whole different manner- and was rather loud at that. Before I knew it, the guy was looking at me and blatantly judging me.
Then after lesson, Byron and I had to walk from one side of the school grounds to the other. Now as we were walking everyone kept looking at my face and legs... and I mean they were not just looking, they were intensely staring! Knowing me I thought I had pen on my face and a massive hole in my tights or something. Turns out, I had nothing on my face nor was there any problems with my tights- I did not know what was going on! After being attacked by praying eyes from all corners, Byron and I were expecting a child to make some silly remark... then we passed 'that' child. Now Byron and I were both staring back at this little boy but before we knew it he revealed a large and strange smile that showed the contents of the inside of his mouth. "Wait what just happened!?"- Byron and I went into a state of shock! 
We then walked into the canteen and declared to a friend of ours, the traumatic experience that we had just been through. HOWEVER, once again without realising how loud my voice is when I mentioned "my legs"... everyone in the canteen turned around and starred at them! -_- After that I was then caught eating a sandwich rather un-gracefully from a guy whom was looking down at me from the top of a stair case... I must of looked like a wide mouth frog with that sandwich! Byron then said that the guy was a part of the "leg patrol searching for my legs". God help me.
THEN we were coaxed into a gap year talk were this guy spoke about the deadly diseases you can catch and how you need to be really careful in the dangerous wilderness; now that wasn't the embarrassing part, but when he started asking people where they are going on there gap year and people where replying with exotic/adventurous locations I was literally praying that he wouldn't ask me. Why? Because I'm going to work in Disney World in Florida for my gap year!  
Last but not least, the last embarrassment consisted of me hitting Byron by accident and then when I tried to apologise I ended up tripping over him and grazing my knee on a carpet. So yeah... what a great day! -_-
Story of my life though! Oh and thank you George Clooney for expressing my facial expression about today!
The BeasKnees

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Quicky & Picky

Whatup homies!

Okay so for all you students out there... I feel your pain! I have never had such a large pile up of coursework in all my life. Who on earth came up with the idea of putting coursework deadlines right near Christmas... The Grinch?

Anyways, besides the coursework stress I have had a pretty relaxing day. To be honest I needed it... Why is only Tuesday!? So I have to make this blog quick because I have a Singing In The Rain rehearsal.

Okay to sum it up, the day involved...
1) Psycho laughing in the hidey-hole
2) Thinking that Abi said that "Santa's" favourite food is lemon cake when she actually said "Sansa's..."
3) Collecting an antique collection of crumbs in my bra
4) Abi sleeping on a computer desk
5) Byron receiving a very specific careers guide

Last but not least...

6) My Nan attempting to play Xbox!!

Feel free to observe technologies finest skills of taking photos and videos! Now I must be off!
Ciao Amo!

The BeasKnees

Monday, 17 November 2014

Paris & Oolala moments!

Ciao Amo!

Okay so today has been pretty normal... But on the bright side I managed to find those videos of Byron and Abbie on their MI5 mission! So don't you worry... You won't have to miss out on the action.

Anyways last night my friend Enzo was teaching me some French phrases... So apparently the phrases I will need to use the most in Paris are:

Help me- Vous pouvez m'aider
I love you- Je t'aime
A small room please- Une petite piece s'il vous plait
Are you single?- Tu es celibataire?

Now you're probably wondering why on earth am I wanting to learn French phrases that are relevant to Paris! WELL... In October 2015 Cloe, Byron, Josh and I will be going to Disneyland Paris- the greatest place on earth! Incase you didn't know I have always been a complete Disney fanatic and one day I hope to aspire to work for Walt and organise the events at the Disney parks. Additionally, I am hoping to do the CRP at Disney World, Florida, after finishing my A levels! Fingers crossed (oh and me toes)!

Heddy-Hoo, after school I was so bursting for a pee that I nearly pee'd my pantyhoes while walking into town. But praise be, my bladder of steel held it together until I arrived at Costa! Then Byron and I shared Black Forest hot chocolate with a rather snazzy gingerbread man. Can I just say... I know I've said this before but Costa's Christmas seasonal drinks are something out of this world... Hullah!
Okay so I've been having really good responses from people about my blog... Dankaa peopleless! I've also been asked by several people to feature in my blog, which is amazeballs!

So be free children of the world and bea happy!

The BeasKnees

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Children in Need & the MI5

Guten Tag my little flower pots!

So I didn't have time to post yesterday because I was super duper busy- story of my life! So let me explain my day to you... First things first I received a pretty good response from Matt about his "bad hair day" that was the title and featured in my last blog. But he wanted me to take another picture just so you could see what his hair looks like normally. You know what these hair modals are like... you gotta keep up your salon cred in da hood.
Anyways, my lunchtime ended up turning into a MI5 mission which consisted of my friends Abbie (who has an amazing coat) and Byron rolling around on the floor while trying to be stealth like as much as possible. Now you're probably wondering why on earth are young and sophisticated (that's not constipated but sophisticated... made that mistake before) adults pretending to be spies. WELL... somewhere inside the building, unfortunately the location must be kept secret for undercover protocol, there was a rather awkward confrontation occurring. I have no idea what it was about but I'm sure if someone walked past and offered them a cookie all would be resolved... Maybe like a double chocolate chip one or something! I did have some awesome videos but unfortunately my phone crashed and I lost them (sad times these are).
After that adventurous scene, I walked into town with another Abi (thank god they all spell their names differently). After a trip to the bank and to some shops to get my friend Kyra's birthday present we went into Costa. Now if there's one thing that I love about Costa, is their Christmas seasonal drinks... Mmmmm! Both Abi and I had the Praline Cappuccino with gold sparkly dusting on top! I think my taste buds must of started singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" because that drink was pure festive fun.
Later on when I got home, I threw my dinner down my throat and got ready as quick as possible to be ready to leave with Cloe and her sister (Natalie) at 5:30pm. Now the reason I was having to be speedy Gonzales is because I was helping Natalie with a Children In Need event at Club '73 Peterborough. Club '73 in Peterborough, is a constituted community group which offers leisure time for adults and adolescents with learning or social difficulties in Peterborough. Because it was Children In Need we set up stalls to raise money. These consisted of Naming the Tiger, Tombola, Raffle, Face painting, Arts and Crafts and Cake Decorating which was my stall. It was a great night and I was so happy to help! Fingers crossed that we raised loads of money!
Then after that I slept over at Cloe's house, but because we were so tired we just laid in bed and watched movies. Oh and I also introduced Cloe to my favourite TV show "That 70's Show"... Love that show!
Well today, I've just done loads of homework, because I'm not going to have time tomorrow as I am going to be starting at Huntingdon Radio station! So tune in at 104fm tomorrow afternoon!
The BeasKnees

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Bad hair day

Bonjour bogues d'amour!

So today's post is going to be pretty random if you ask me! Firstly, my day at school was pretty normal and consisted of long lessons and having a laugh with my buddies. So my friend Matt always has the most perfect hair... it's like he's constantly doing a hair product commercial or something... "Loreal because you're worth it"! Anyways, earlier on in the morning he was frantically asking around if anyone had any hair-spray. I think he thought he was having a bad hair day or something... Erm no! Matt, your hair was on point! Do nawt worry!
By lunchtime, I think he had given up because he was actually willing to tie his hair up in a mini man bun... Yes I even got a picture!

Then in English I had to take a picture of my friend Shannon's phone case because it's soooo beautiful! Lurv it :) Then mum, Byron and I went to Tesco and we tried on sexy coats and hats... Byron looks fabulous in this one! Da?

Because it's Children In Need tomorrow... I decided to search through my old dressing-up box and found a very ginger wig. Before I knew it, my alter-ego of Jessica Rabbit was in the room! Well that or a cheese puff!

Anyways I'm going to love you and leave you! Enjoy life and eat croissants!

The BeasKnees

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Shout out!

Hola amigos!
So I didn't have time to post yesterday because I was super busy. However, I promised two lovely ladies that I would give them a shout-out and upload their totally vogue selfies from my phone!
So, lets begin with introducing the gorgeous gals.... Beth and Shannon! I've only known them since September but they have already become great friends of mine. Now they wanted me to describe their personalities but I thought that I would quote them describing themselves... as it did make me giggle.
Beth: "I'm like an Armadillo. I'm hard on the outside and can come across quite cold but once you get past my hard shell I'm soft and gooey inside."
Shannon: "I'm like a green starburst or sour skittle. You either love me or hate me! And no I'm not Marmite!"
So there you are girls, your own little segment in the blog! Oh and check out the selfie of Beth reading my blog in English!
Now after school I had my review session of counselling to treat my needle phobia. Boy have I come a long way since 2 years ago! Now you probably know that I am a Type 1 Diabetic and for anyone who doesn't know what it's like to be a T1D then basically you're always having to have injections. Luckily enough, I've been on the Insulin pump for the last 5 years which means I'm not constantly having to inject all day. However, when it came to blood tests, doctors struggled to make the procedure run smoothly. I would always end up hyper-ventilating, fainting, throwing up and hysterically crying- in fact it got so bad that they decided to use laughing gas to knock me out in the end. However, thanks to the help of EMDR I can now have a blood test with hardly any resistance and non of the above! I know right... It's so cray cray!
After that I had Singing In The Rain rehearsals and we choreographed my characters little dance number in the rain at the finale. Yeah... I still think that I can't dance! Today was a pretty normal day... Although the fire alarm did go off in the hospital, while I was getting a coffee at Costa before my appointment. I've never seen people with broken legs hop so fast!
Anyways, I have work to do so I best be off! Stay happy and eat mangoes!

The BeasKnees

Monday, 10 November 2014

Therapeutic & Feeling the Love

Howdee Doodee everyone!
 Well today was my first day back at school after being ill. Not going to lie, I was surprised at how many people noticed that I was gone last week and that I'm back! Some people even said that it hasn't been the same without me... Shucks you guys, you're making me blush ;) Oh and my baes Abi and Josh ran up to me and gave me a mahoosive hug... I feel so loved!
 So today was pretty normal, like I thought it would be... But boy did I have the time of my life in English (yeah I did just say that)! So my darling teacher decided there was no need to do any writing in our notepads... No... we wrote.... on the TABLE! Yes you heard right! Miss gave us white-board pens and we were able to make our notes on the table!
Oh this was something beautiful, for once in my life I was able to draw all over the table without a teacher twittering in my ear telling me that I was some sort of "Table Terrorist Vandaliser". I wrote in green, red, black and if I made a mistake who cares, I just wacked out a baby wipe... POOF... the mistake? GONE! Oh the sheer joy it... In the words of the great Shannon, from my English class, "It was therapeutic"! Hallelujah!

 After that the day was pretty dull.
Until... I got home! I have been treated to the luxury of my having my hair cut and blow-dried by a hairdresser that is Da-Vinci in her own right... Manifique! With curls bouncing of my shoulders I walked out Dawn's (hairdresser) house with a strut, that could resemble Cher's from Clueless... I was feeling on top of the world. Yeah that's until I realised she had a gate that blended into the darkness... Lets just say my face noticed the gate before I did.
Oh and I got told that actually I may not of had the "Nova" Virus but actually its called the "Nora/Noro" Virus... Either way it begins with an N!
Henny-hoo, I best be off! Ciao Chicken-ponies!
The BeasKnees 

Saturday, 8 November 2014

She lives again!

Good Morrow long lost earthlings!
Now I know what you're thinking... Why on earth has it been soooo long since I last posted! Well I have a confession. For the last 5 days... yes that's 5 days... I have been a zombie. Not one of those Hollywood style zombies that go around eating brains, trying to take over the world and walks like they have just stubbed their toe or something.
No, I have been a zombie which has been taken over by disease... a virus! This type of zombie meant that I had severe tummy ache, tummy problems (but I'll spare you those details), severe dizziness and yes like a true zombie my vocabulary mainly consisted of groans. And the name of this "virus" you may ask... it's called the NOVA Virus!!! Dun Dun Dunnnnn!
Now the thing with the Nova Virus is that you're only meant to get it once because then your white blood cells change, or something like that, so your body will recognise when you get it again and then something will 'engulf' something else and I wont even know I have the virus- a bit GCSE Biology for you ;)
However, this is not the case because this is my THIRD (yes that's not once, not twice but 3 times) of having it! Well, I don't know if this Virus mutates too quickly for my white blood cells or they just don't care and are having a little party inside of me... Who knows! Although, this time round it didn't seem to be as bad because I didn't end up in hospital, we didn't have to call out an ambulance or a doctor and I was only sick once. So something must be working inside me, I hope.... *gulp*
Probably the only plus side to this Virus is that it makes you loose a tone of weight because your basically living on water. However, because I only had it for a short period of time I've only lost a bit of weight.
So yeah, this post is to basically let you know that I am alive and on a road to recovery... and yes I will be back to school on Monday!
Oh and I would also like to say a MASSIVE thank you to my Mumma who has been looking after me... running up and down those stairs constantly and saving me in the early hours of the morning! She's a true guardian angel and I'm very blessed to have her... Love ya Mumma!
Well I now need to get on with catch-up work for school... Thanks to those teachers that sent me a mountain of work -_- So stay safe people and don't become a Nova Zombie!
The BeasKnees

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Mummas home (+ film spoilers)

Howdee Doodee!
Yesterday, my family came home from their week away in Cornwall- it is so lovely to have them back... I no longer have to talk to myself!
During the day Will (my brother) and I FaceTime'd our dad in Azerbaijan which meant we got to see our little sisters (Angelina and Victoria) in their witch costumes- so cute! We also got see my dad's cat, Aslan whom has a hilarious face! I don't mean to be mean to Aslan but when he looks at you it looks like he is giving you the death stare!  
Later on I went to see The Maze Runner with my mum and Marin (Swiss student living with us). Here's a bit about the film if you haven't seen it:
"Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow "runners" for a shot at escape."- IMDb
The film was amazing and it sort of reminded me of an adaptation of The Lord of the Flies. Both the acting and special effects were executed perfectly... allowing the audience to believe that this could be a real life situation.
However, mum found it too realistic and was scared most of the way through the film- especially when it came to those giant spider-like creatures. Now I don't want to give too many spoilers away but I did not expect that twist at the end... No way Jose!
Also, I think I have a new celebrity crush (alongside Johnny Depp and Henry Cavill) after watching the film... Dylan O'Brien you were sizzling!
On the contrary, the casting choices for this film were very clever because they were able to incorporate actors with different ethnicities who portrayed their characters outstandingly.
So congratulations Wes Ball on directing a fantastic film based on James Dashner's novel!
Anyways, I have loads of coursework to do for school tomorrow.... So goodbye for now!

The BeasKnees