Saturday, 8 November 2014

She lives again!

Good Morrow long lost earthlings!
Now I know what you're thinking... Why on earth has it been soooo long since I last posted! Well I have a confession. For the last 5 days... yes that's 5 days... I have been a zombie. Not one of those Hollywood style zombies that go around eating brains, trying to take over the world and walks like they have just stubbed their toe or something.
No, I have been a zombie which has been taken over by disease... a virus! This type of zombie meant that I had severe tummy ache, tummy problems (but I'll spare you those details), severe dizziness and yes like a true zombie my vocabulary mainly consisted of groans. And the name of this "virus" you may ask... it's called the NOVA Virus!!! Dun Dun Dunnnnn!
Now the thing with the Nova Virus is that you're only meant to get it once because then your white blood cells change, or something like that, so your body will recognise when you get it again and then something will 'engulf' something else and I wont even know I have the virus- a bit GCSE Biology for you ;)
However, this is not the case because this is my THIRD (yes that's not once, not twice but 3 times) of having it! Well, I don't know if this Virus mutates too quickly for my white blood cells or they just don't care and are having a little party inside of me... Who knows! Although, this time round it didn't seem to be as bad because I didn't end up in hospital, we didn't have to call out an ambulance or a doctor and I was only sick once. So something must be working inside me, I hope.... *gulp*
Probably the only plus side to this Virus is that it makes you loose a tone of weight because your basically living on water. However, because I only had it for a short period of time I've only lost a bit of weight.
So yeah, this post is to basically let you know that I am alive and on a road to recovery... and yes I will be back to school on Monday!
Oh and I would also like to say a MASSIVE thank you to my Mumma who has been looking after me... running up and down those stairs constantly and saving me in the early hours of the morning! She's a true guardian angel and I'm very blessed to have her... Love ya Mumma!
Well I now need to get on with catch-up work for school... Thanks to those teachers that sent me a mountain of work -_- So stay safe people and don't become a Nova Zombie!
The BeasKnees

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