Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Autumn Cleaning Goddess

Piacere di conoscerti!

Today I cleaned my house non-stop! I thought that considering I'm having friends round to sleep tomorrow, I should probably make the house look presentable. So I put on my yellow rubber gloves and apron with cats all over it and tied my hair up... I either look like a crazy cat lady or a rather swanky cleaner. With bleach in one hand and a cloth in the other I was a woman on a mission- wow just realised how sad I sound.

Now where do I start... Ah yes! The kitchen! From what I learnt today is that when faced with a dirty oven/stove and a sink full of glasses one should not back down. I had decided that this was going to be a triumphant moment that would even make that 'Hotel Inspector' lady aghast at how clean and sparkly the house is. With blood, sweat, tears and some elbow grease I conquered the burnt left over parts from last years Christmas dinner, that evidently had decided to become part of the oven and would stop at nothing to prevent me from parting itself with its host.

Then came the hoovering and the mopping. Girls, you know when you buy hair pins/bobby grips and you start off with like 500 or something and then 3 days later you only 5... I now know where you can find these 'escapees'. Hoovering. Hoovering? Yes, by hoovering! I'm not kidding you, they will literally throw themselves at you!

Anyways, to cut the long story short the house now looks brand new... So tomorrow I'm literally not going to move anything until my friends come round. Oh did I mention that I gave Angel a bath? Yeah, after I got out of the shower, I put Angel in and gave her a wash! So even the dog is sparkling clean and extremely fluffy.

Although the end result was pretty shabam... I have to confess that from my experience of cleaning the toilets I will not be making a career of house cleaning. In fact, while I was scrubbing the toilet I was thinking that I could really do with having that magic hat that Mickey Mouse wears in Fantasia, because then I would just get the cleaning equipment to clean stuff themselves. Yeah, dream on Bea, dream on!

Well Arrivederci for now! Hopefully, I'll have loads to tell you about tomorrow!

The BeasKnees

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