Thursday, 23 October 2014

Snails and fizzy melon?

Good morrow Ladies, Gentlemen and the in between of the world.

Well today I took on the role as an interrogator for the school interviews for a new Multi-skills teacher... Okay 'interrogator' is a bit of an over statement, but I was on the Student panel asking questions that would make me feel like I was being interrogated!

So we saw 5 candidates (1 female and 4 males)... Obviously they all thought that THEY should get the job but after a careful discussion with the fellow members of the panel we came up with our favourite- the one who was not only a fair and approachable teacher but they would also be able to handle difficult situations that might arise. So in no particular order I will explain each of the candidates qualities (and quotes) that stood out to me the most... I have to admit some of their quotes did tickle my pickle and make me laugh.

(For protection reasons the names have not been revealed)

1. Mrs A- Lovely lady which students could see as a motherly figure. However, her fascination with creating perfect feng shui instead of teachings is always a worry. One of her quotes "There's a mathematical equation for the spiral in a snails shell... but I can't remember it".

2. Mr B- Previously worked in the RAF and likes the shouting teaching approach, convinced us he is a great team builder and likes working with children but can only give eye contact to the adults or young adults. One of his quotes "RAF! I'm from the RAF! RAF! RAF! Royal Air Force!".

3. Mr C- Currently works in a external programme for children with learning difficulties and has developed techniques to approach children in different ways depending on their personalities. Great sense of humour and is confident talking to children and adults. One of his quotes "I would find out what the students needs are and act on that. If the child is struggling in class then we would discuss alternative ways of learning".

4. Mr D- Attended the school 10 years ago and has always wanted to return. Currently works with children with special needs in a secondary school and has a positive reputation with students. Is confident with talking to children and adults. Also has a calm and approachable personality. One of his quotes "When I drove in this morning I couldn't believe how much the school has changed. If a child is ever misbehaving in my lesson or is refusing to do the work then I would go with them outside the classroom and talk to them, I would never send them out alone."

5. Mr E- Currently a TA but feels like he needs to focus on HIS goals and become a teacher. Young and is confident with talking to children and adults. Thinks he can change the school with the click of his fingers... just a tad big headed! One of his quotes "I haven't done any voluntary work and there isn't much that I do outside of work. I think this job will be good for my goals in my life. Yeah I'll take the kid outside for a kick about with the ball".

So yeah there were some pretty diverse personalities. For confidentiality reasons I can't reveal our favourite candidate so I will let you decide which person would best fit the job.

But besides that I haven't really done much today.... Oh yeah, I did eat a fruit salad that contained some dodgy melon! I swear melon isn't meant to be fizzy!? *Gulp*
Anyways, I'm super duper tired and I cannot wait to have a layin tomorrow (thank you school for not being open)... So I'll say hasta maƱana mis amigos!

The BeasKnees

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